Monday, November 16, 2009

Meeting Summary - What an experience !!!

Hi Guys,
My meeting was planned to happen on Elluminate and guess what...
Elluminate was down during the meeting start time.

I than decided to use skype and dimdim as an alternative option.
Its bit hard to chat together using Skype, so dimdim seems to be a better option.
I had emailed the dimdim room ID as we started, sorry for those who missed out that email, and went to elluminate.
Most of the class participants were there in dimdim - more than 10 people were present in DIMDIM.
Special thanks to Cherie my presenter for the night, she did an awesome job tonight... thanks Cherie.

I was able to see the powerpoint and listen to cherie crystal clear.
but i assume some of you were not able to hear her and could not see the presentation.
(so I emailed the powerpoint to all who could not see the presentation.) (Sorry to those who had auidio problem)

Thanks Sara for reminding me to press the record button (missed at least 10 minutes of it) :(

To be honest i was too confident with elluminate that i did not spend much time with other alternatives
but ended up using dimdim...(Thanks to dimdim).

My advice to all - always be prepared with these technologies.

Thanks you Sarah for your support - I was panicing big time...
Thanks to all the participants for being with me from elluminate to dimdim to skype back to dimdim....

I guess we all had good experience.



  1. Hello guys

    the recording is available now.
    Meeting Audio :



  2. Hi Krishan, congratulations for surviving an extremely stressful experience! You did a brilliant job of working through the issues. You stayed calm and patient and the result was an excellent session that generated interest and questions.

    The session did emphasise the importance of having a back-up plan and making sure that the back-up plan works. Things would have been smoother if you'd had a better understanding of how DimDim works but we got there in the end.

    All in all, a great learning experience for us all you can relax and sit back and enjoy the other sessions :)

  3. HI Sarah

    I might have seemed calm on the other end sarah, but you can just imagine how i was trying to sort things out, trying to get dimdim invitation link to send to all and keeping everyone updated. (At the sametime chatting on skype)its good to have a googlegroup email account for such types of course, easier to email and update all for last minute change. I had a nice picture of my presenter, with some good details about her, but got really busy sorting the technical problem and forgot to put those up. in the white board in dimdim. (Since we were already running late, I thought it would be better to get it started straight away.)

    Did you get a chance to look at the recording - it was pretty fast for dimdim to make the recording available straight after the meeting and it is pretty good quality. (Little bit of echoing otherwise ok)


  4. The recording are excellent - I think the service DimDim provides is excellent considering it is free - begs the questions why, as an institution, Otago Polytechnic is using Elluminate.

    I look forward to reading your reflection/evaluation of the session.

  5. Hi Krishan,

    I tried with my guest presenter to use Elluminate yesterday afternoon. It was so sluggish that at the end, we decided to use Webex for next week's event. Congratulation on the way you handled the situation yesterday. This was "the" nightmare situation.
    I was rather disappointed by DimDim this time, as the answers to my questions kept on arriving after the end of the meeting. I will listen to the recording anyway.

  6. Herve...can you get in touch with me about what you're planning for next week. I have a feeling you have forgotten I am away all next week so you may have to plan to do the session the following week. cheers Sarah

  7. Hello

    I was talking to Sarah during my planning stage, and asked her if i can be the Facilitator as well as the presentator to delver the content. Sarah told me she wanted us to differentiate between a facilitator and a teacher, and asked me to be just the facilitator and find someone to deliver the content.

    Now am thankful to Sarah for her advice because i had a really busy job last night as a facilitator trying to facilitate and update everyone and sort things with the technical problem, meanwhile the presenter was presenting the content.

    It really outlines the difference between a facilitator and a teacher in such an experience and thank god i was not playing both the roles :)


  8. HI Krishan,

    I am using DimDim for my meeting tonight but I seem to be having a problem with the invitations. Hopefully I will have this sorted soon. Sorry I missed your meeting but work comes first!

  9. HI Rosanne,

    When i used dimdim, I managed to send an invitation to myself, and than i just forwarded that mail to everyone.

    I am not sure if dimdim only provides access to the meeting room only when the meeting time has started. so if you try and enter it prior i think it just goes to the wedsite.

    I am not so familiar with Dimdim myself.

    Good luck for you meeting.


  10. Hey Krishan,
    It gave us another taste of issues with technologly & how we must always have plan b (& C) chalked out, had you not tested dim dim & sent us link to it,before beginning the conference, we would have been all panicking with Elluminiate.I could hear & see clearly, but the ppt presentation that you sent while in the meeting was also a good thought, for guys who couldn't.Great faciliation skill.Looking forward to attending many more conferences.

  11. Krishan-

    I'm glad to hear you were able to take advantage of Dimdim. In Dimdim you can either schedule your meeting or start one instantly. The room is designed for live collaboration, so at this time the room is not available to attendees until the host opens the room.


    Kevin Micalizzi, Community Manager
    Dimdim Web Conferencing
    twitter: @dimdim

    Experience the Dimdim Live Webinar! Register at:

  12. Hi Kevin,

    Thanks for the comment.
    Dimdim was really great.
    Would love to explore it more and learn all te tools available.


  13. Another application you could check out is RHUB Web Conferencing ( My nonprofit uses it for online seminars. It has been really great.
