Monday, August 3, 2009

Week 2

Hello Guys,

I am in the teaching environment for 5 years now, and in the last two years i took up a position as a facilitator, facilitaing face to face courses. These courses are online based and are available for distance learning as well. These teaching experience made me feel like exploring a bit more on online facilitation and how to use tools and skills to manage online facilitation.

I am looking forward for learning new skills that i can use to develop some of my own online teaching environments. May be in future take up other elearning courses as well to be up to date with the technologies and other elearning tools.

Looking forward to working with all of you :)



  1. Hi Krishan

    great to have you join us!

    How do you see facilitation different online to the F2F context?

  2. HI Sarah,

    F2F Facilitation i think is a bit easier comapared to online environment. F2F allows facilitators to see the body language of students even if they do not ask for help, we tend to know if they are stuck or needs help. its hard to make these judgements online, unless you are video conferencing i guess.

    Over all i would say if you have the right tools and technology available and working as expected than online facilitation online would be similar to F2F Facilitation...

